
Think Big with Dan and Qasim: Bahadir Efeoglu, CEO & Co-founder of Fabrikator

In this episode, Bahadir Efeoglu, the forward-thinking CEO and Co-founder of Fabrikatör, dives deep into the strategies that can propel direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands toward accelerated growth. He explains how Fabrikatör serves as a Virtual Head of Operations, providing DTC brands with the tools they need to optimize their retail and supply chain processes. Bahadir shares practical insights on how leveraging modern technology can streamline operations, reduce inefficiencies, and enhance scalability. His discussion is rich with actionable advice, making it essential listening for any DTC entrepreneur aiming to scale their brand efficiently and sustainably.

Bahadir also touches on the importance of aligning marketing efforts with operational capabilities, a core principle at Fabrikatör, to ensure that growth is not only rapid but also sustainable. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your established brand to the next level, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge to help you navigate the complexities of the DTC space.

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